Tips for a Safe and Healthy Home Office

Without the dress code and daily hassle from the commute, while feeling under control, more and more people enjoy having the opportunity to work at home, whether it’s full-time or just occasionally. Yet, being under the roof of your home doesn’t always guarantee safety and optimum health, as working from home also presents its own set of issues. As such, it’s essential to devote some extra time ensuring that you set your home office in a way that will provide you the best experience and keep you well. To help you out, we’ve listed tips for a safe and healthy home office, which you can follow while ensuring that you get your job done.

Setting Up Your Home Office

Body pain and strain are common problems experienced by work-at-home workers, usually caused by poor posture or poorly designed home office. Remember that it’s vital to choose the right equipment and furniture, and arrange them in the right and comfortable way.

First, invest in a comfortable, ergonomic chair that can adequately support the curve of your back and allows you to rest your feet firmly and flat on the floor. Accompany it with a desk or table with appropriate height and one that enables you to use your computer without hunching, slouching, or straining. Place the desk or table on an area where you could freely move, sit, or stand when needed.

For protecting your hands and wrists, get an ergonomic keyboard and mouse that can significantly reduce the strain, especially for long working periods. Check your monitor’s height as well as position it at eye level to avoid eye fatigue. Your work area must also be well-lighted to minimize glare, and so you can see things clearly and properly.

Be sure to choose a location that is lightly trafficked or is free from distractions. As much as possible, don’t add a television in your home office as it only serves as a temptation, which can keep you preoccupied and prevent you from working properly.

Preventing Accidents and Injuries

After setting up your home office, it’s time to make it a safer one, free from accidents and injuries. Common mishaps include falling, slipping, and tripping, which, fortunately, can quickly be avoided with a few adjustments. Work on clearing hazards by ensuring that all wires and cables are not running on the walkways. Never daisy-chain electrical cords, and use smart strips with surge protectors instead. Meanwhile, if you need to reach out to high objects, get a ladder instead of using a chair as the latter is convenient and relatively safer.

If you allow kids to go into your home office, you also need to ensure that your office is childproof. Cover all unused plugs and keep all sharp or hazardous materials out of kids’ reach. Corner guards are also a good help in protecting your kids in case they bump or collide on the edges of tables, cabinets, and other furniture. Of course, clean up your workspace regularly to avoid excessive clutter, which will not only make your space messy but may also be a source of accidents or injuries.

Staying Well

After taking care of your home office, it’s now time to tend for yourself. While working at home often gives people the perks of having a flexible schedule, it is when they even forget good stretching, eating, break time, and hydration habits, given that there is no longer a formal structure to follow.

Make sure to take a break from sitting in from your computer. Doing that all day long may lead to various health risks and conditions, such as slower metabolism, chronic pain, compromised posture, spine and back problems, diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer. So, leave your chair a few times a day to move and stretch, rejuvenate your nerves and muscles, and avoid any keep you away momentarily from any repetitive action that can cause injuries.

Meanwhile, “breathers” like a 10-minute walk or reading a few pages from a book keeps mentally sound. Being too immersed in a task for long periods can burn you out and take a toll on your focus and mindset. If you’re feeling too stressed, don’t hesitate to have a short “quick time” to refresh and return to your job with a renewed spirit and focus.

For your optimum health, observe regular eating and hydration habits. While nutritious snacks like fruits and protein-dense foods are vital throughout the day, you shouldn’t be skipping meals and chowing down snacks alone. Always adhere to your meal schedules and drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated.


Working at home undoubtedly bestows workers with lots of  benefits. Yet, like any work situation it is not exempted with safety and health hazards. Hopefully, the listed tips above help you avoid any mishap or issue, and keep your work-at-home experience as enjoyable and productive as possible.

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