How Does the Bible Explain Managing Money?

Leading a truly Christian life in today’s materialistic world can prove challenging. Focus solely on what the Bible says about money: to practice contentment and not worship your material possessions.

By sharing your abundance of wealth, you glorify the Lord and live a far more prosperous and joyful life. Despite the innumerable temptations lurking around, you stay on the holy track when you keep God’s will front and center.

When you cater for times ahead by saving and leaving an inheritance for future generations, it assures you of financial stability. Begin by setting aside 10% of your earnings for the Lord, which fulfills your tithe obligation, and attempt to go beyond in your charity.

Manage Money the Biblical Way

The Almighty in His mercy provides for your daily needs. He is the rightful owner of your financial resources, and hence, you must responsibly nurture these gifts. Focusing on what the Bible says about money includes finding the right balance, so you retain your desire to worship your Heavenly Father instead of your worldly riches.

Listed below are some handy guidelines advocated in the Bible to better manage your wealth.

Set Priorities

How practically you divert the monetary resources at your disposal determines whether it covers your essential needs or you fall short. For instance, prioritizing building a home without gainful employment comes back to haunt you when your mortgage or rental outgoings are due.

Only when you can put food on your table and pay your utility bills can you even contemplate splurging on luxury indulgences. Ensure you have a steady income source before you consider leading a lifestyle beyond your means, as the latter traps you in a vicious cycle of debt.

Budget Appropriately

You can best assess your daily, monthly, and annual expenditures. Factoring all these components into your budget plan with a buffer for sudden expenses will never leave you stranded. Also, setting aside some funds for future emergencies by making thoughtful investment choices serves as a welcome backing in times of crisis.

Avoid Debt

Once you fall into the debt trap, it tends to suck you in and blocks all escape routes. The stress of repaying your outstanding dues can heavily take its toll on you both, mentally and physically.

Instead, Scriptures recommend you stay clear of borrowing when left with no choice, square accounts with your lender at the earliest, and refrain from taking on new debts.

Outline a Financial Plan

Begin by identifying what you need to save for, like retirement, children’s education, or property purchase. Accurately assess your present financial situation and subsequently list out the steps to inch toward your long-term goals while being grateful for God’s abundant blessings.

In the absence of a comprehensive plan which you should consistently monitor for effectiveness, you are unlikely to accumulate savings. Ensure this financial plan limits your risk exposure as you age by diversifying your investments. It is wise to diversify, or else one disaster will ultimately set you back monetarily.

Build a biblically aligned investment portfolio that makes your financial goals a reality by teaming up with seasoned and faith-driven Christian financial advisors.