6 Tips for Encouraging Participation in a Company Team Building

Tips for Encouraging Participation in a Company Team Building

Teams act much like the different organ systems in the human body. Every single one has its function and is important in ensuring the health of the body. Whichever “system” you’re managing, leading a team will mean you have to exert effort in helping your colleagues work as one. One thing you … Read more

Top 13 Things Successful People Do

Everyone wants to be successful, and one of the best ways to do so is by emulating other successful people. While successful people have their own unique approach, there are several common patterns you can follow. If you have ever watched interviews, lectures, or seminars of successful people, you will more often … Read more

Business Practices around the World

When you have international business partners, it’s essential to know about the different business practices their culture dictates. Whether you’re flying out to meet those in other countries or going to work there for some time, it’s etiquette to know of and adapt to their business culture as much as possible. Some … Read more

Interesting Facts about Doing Business in Japan

The Japanese culture is surely different from that of the West. These differences might keep a businessman to introduce its product or service to Japan, but understanding the culture of the country will be a great start to establish stable, long-term and friendly relationships with the Japanese. Here are some facts about … Read more

Interesting Facts about Doing Business in China

If you are a business owner trying to look for a more cost-effective manufacturer or to search for a new market for your products, you might consider China due to its reputation as the “world’s factory” and its huge population. But before you go to the Red Dragon, you must be prepared … Read more